I oppose The Patient Access to End-of-Life Care Act (USA)
Don’t abandon Canadians with mental illness to death by euthanasia (“MAiD”).
BC Health Authorities Must Stop Using Euthanasia to Replace Medical Care
Catholic hospitals must not be forced to provide euthanasia (MAiD).
Petitions on CitizenGO:
We demand a review of Dr. Ellen Wiebe’s euthanasia practice. (01/08/2025)
Oppose Child Euthanasia in Canada (03/16/2023)
Oppose United Church of Canada’s Pro-Euthanasia Prayer (02/07/2023)
Simons – stop promoting euthanasia (07/27/2022)
Eric Coulam: We urge you to NEVER GIVE UP the fight to live! (06/24/2022) BC, Canada
No Child Euthanasia in Canada. (04/28/2022)
We support Bill C-230 – The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act (02/04/2022)
No Assisted Suicide by Telehealth (06/04/2021)
We support Bill C-268: The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act (03/17/2021)
No to euthanasia (MAiD) for mental illness and incompetent people! (02/23/2021)
Oppose Child Euthanasia (10/14/2020)
Investigate Assisted Suicide Lethal Drug Experiments (09/23/2020)
Reject Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Bill S.1208/H.1926 (06/04/2020)
Healthcare regulations must not permit assisted suicide approvals by telehealth (04/02/2020)
Reject Euthanasia Bill C-7 (02/27/2020)
I Oppose Euthanasia For Psychiatric Reasons (started 11/01/2018, updated February 2020)