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I oppose The Patient Access to End-of-Life Care Act (USA)

Dear Rep. Jeffries and Rep. Scalise,

I oppose The Patient Access to End-of-Life Care Act that would force Americans to pay for assisted suicide (medically approved killing by poison) with their tax dollars.

I oppose assisted suicide and I vehemently oppose paying for medically approved killing.

Thank you in advance for upholding my conscience rights by not approving the use of tax dollars for killing.

For more information, see the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition’s blog article from April 29, 2024, by Alex Schadenberg: “Assisted Suicide lobby wants your tax dollars to kill people”: https://alexschadenberg.blogspot.com/2024/04/assisted-suicide-lobby-wants-your-tax.html

%%your signature%%

1,185 signatures = 24% of goal

Don’t abandon Canadians with mental illness to death by euthanasia (“MAiD”).

Dear the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice,

In March 2021, Canada expanded the euthanasia law (Bill C-7) by removing the terminal illness requirement. Bill C-7 also added the option of euthanasia for mental illness alone. The government originally provided a two-year moratorium on euthanasia for mental illness to provide time to prepare, and in 2023, the government extended the moratorium until March 17, 2024.

In August 2022, we learned that a Canadian Armed Forces veteran seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury was shocked when a Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) employee unexpectedly and casually offered him medical assistance in dying (“MAiD”).

In June 2023, Kathrin Mentler was offered euthanasia at the Access and Assessment Centre at Vancouver General Hospital when she was seeking help for chronic suicidal ideation.

Legalizing euthanasia gives medical professionals the right in law to lethally inject their patients. Permitting euthanasia for mental illness alone directly contradicts the need for effective consent.

You stated on December 13 that the government is considering, “hitting the pause button” on euthanasia for mental illness.

I demand that the Canadian government reverse its decision to permit “MAiD” for mental illness alone.
I demand that Canadians with mental illness not be abandoned to death by euthanasia (“MAiD”).

%%your signature%%

2,562 signatures = 51% of goal

BC Health Authorities Must Stop Using Euthanasia to Replace Medical Care

Dear BC Health Minister Hon. Adrian Dix

In the past few years, a horrific trend has emerged where health authorities in British Columbia are increasingly promoting medical aid in dying (MAiD) while refusing to provide life-saving medical care to those who need it the most.

For instance, Jennyfer Hatch, whose death by euthanasia was highlighted in a commercial by Canadian retailer Simons, claimed that she was approved for MAiD after trying and failing to receive proper treatment for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome from BC health authorities, and after they failed to provide her with appropriate palliative care.

Meanwhile, it has been recently revealed by the media that Fraser Health has included slideshows promoting euthanasia and assisted suicide to healthy people receiving their pension packages.

I hear more and more stories about people in BC despairing over their inability to receive life-saving medical aid from BC’s healthcare system. Meanwhile, British Columbia has seen a 24% rise in euthanasia deaths in 2022.

Recently Kim Angell, from Ladysmith BC, was denied access to extending cancer treatment because she is considered incurable.

As BC’s Health Minister, I demand that you put a stop to the promotion of MAiD as an alternative to life-saving medical treatment and that you ensure that all who are eligible for MAiD are given access to proper medical care to keep them alive, as well as appropriate palliative care.

%%your signature%%

991 signatures = 20% of goal

Catholic hospitals must not be forced to provide euthanasia (MAiD).

Dear the Hon. Adrian Dix

Dying With Dignity has launched a campaign to force religiously-based health care institutions in British Columbia to provide euthanasia (MAiD). The euthanasia lobby is basing their lobbying efforts on the case of a woman who wanted to die an assisted death and was transferred to a hospice based on her request for an assisted death.

Firstly, the law does not require every health care institution to kill their patients by euthanasia. Secondly, Catholic health care institutions have a long history of providing excellent care. Thirdly, this woman was not abandoned. She was provided excellent palliative care, but when she insisted on dying by an assisted death, the Catholic hospital transferred her. Catholic hospitals do not hide the fact that they do not provide euthanasia. We live in a pluralistic society. Catholic hospitals provide excellent care based on a long religious tradition.

Catholic medical institutions must not be forced to provide euthanasia (MAiD).

%%your signature%%

2,100 signatures = 42% of goal

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