Don’t abandon Canadians with mental illness to death by euthanasia (“MAiD”).
Click here to see a full list of our petitions on CitizenGO
Oppose Child Euthanasia in Canada (03/16/2023)
Oppose United Church of Canada’s Pro-Euthanasia Prayer (02/07/2023)
Simons – stop promoting euthanasia (07/27/2022)
Eric Coulam: We urge you to NEVER GIVE UP the fight to live! (06/24/2022) BC, Canada
No Child Euthanasia in Canada. (04/28/2022)
We support Bill C-230 – The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act (02/04/2022)
No Assisted Suicide by Telehealth (06/04/2021)
We support Bill C-268: The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act (03/17/2021)
No to euthanasia (MAiD) for mental illness and incompetent people! (02/23/2021)
Oppose Child Euthanasia (10/14/2020)
Investigate Assisted Suicide Lethal Drug Experiments (09/23/2020)
Reject Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Bill S.1208/H.1926 (06/04/2020)
Healthcare regulations must not permit assisted suicide approvals by telehealth (04/02/2020)
Reject Euthanasia Bill C-7 (02/27/2020)
I Oppose Euthanasia For Psychiatric Reasons (started 11/01/2018, updated February 2020)