1-877-439-3348 info@epcc.ca

June 26, 2024

Dear Friends:

Thank you for your continued support. It is what keeps us working.

Frustration: The Delaware State Senate defeated assisted suicide bill HB 140 by a 9 to 9 vote on June 20 and then they voted again on June 25 and passed the bill by an 11 to 10 vote.

Good news: French President, Emmanuel Macron, had a bill to legalize euthanasia. After the European election, Macron called a national election. Macron’s euthanasia bill died when he called the election. If Macron loses the election, a new bill is not likely to be introduced.

The European Court of Human Rights decided that there is no right to assisted suicide in Europe. The case concerned a challenge to the Hungarian law that prevents euthanasia and assisted suicide.

The woman with autism in Calgary, who was prevented from being killed by euthanasia when her father challenged her approval, had stopped eating and drinking; she has now resumed. The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) was granted intervention standing in this case. This situation remains concerning since she is still considering euthanasia.

Dying with Dignity and the family of Sam O’Neill, a woman who was killed by euthanasia in 2023, launched a Charter challenge concerning the right of religiously affiliated healthcare facilities to refuse to kill by euthanasia. O’Neill requested euthanasia while she was a patient at St Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver. St Paul’s transferred her to another facility where she died by euthanasia. The court case alleges that O’Neill’s “Charter rights” were infringed when she was transferred against her wishes to another facility to die by euthanasia. This case is designed to be appealed up to the Supreme Court of Canada. If Dying with Dignity wins, a precedent would be set forcing every publicly-funded Canadian healthcare entity to provide euthanasia and prevent any possible euthanasia-free spaces. The EPC is seeking standing to intervene in this case.

It is very expensive to seek standing to intervene in a court case. Your generous donations are needed.

We recently amended our articles of incorporation. Due to definitions, we have changed the language around being an EPC member to being a “Friend”. We have also increased our “Friendship” to $30.

I have great hope. Canada’s crazy euthanasia stories have affected the debate in other countries, especially in the United States. Recently a Canadian military veteran, Kelsi Sheren, aired a podcast based on research by Dr Joel Zivot, on how euthanasia drugs actually cause death. I have been writing about this topic since 2020. Sheren has had one million listeners of her podcast titled, “The Horrifying Truth Behind MAiD”. EPC works with everyone who speaks out against the killing.

EPC is the world’s leading source of information on euthanasia and assisted suicide. Thank you for your support.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director

Sign the Declaration of Hope Opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide:


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