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How Should We then Die? A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Death by Ewan C. Goligher


Physician Ewan C. Goligher draws from general revelation and Scripture to persuade and equip Christians to oppose physician-assisted death. Euthanasia presumes what it is like to be dead. But for Christians, death is not the end. Christ Jesus has destroyed death and brought life and immortality through the gospel.

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As more people accept the practice of physician-assisted death, Christians must decide whether to embrace or oppose it. Is it ethical for physicians to assist patients in hastening their own death? Should Christians who are facing death accept the offer of an assisted death?

In How Should We then Die?, physician Ewan C. Goligher draws from general revelation and Scripture to persuade and equip Christians to oppose physician-assisted death. Euthanasia presumes what it is like to be dead. But for Christians, death is not the end. Christ Jesus has destroyed death and brought life and immortality through the gospel.

Pricing is $20/book + $5 shipping/book.

Here is an excerpt:

“Around the time that the legalization of euthanasia became a matter of public discussion in Canada, I was having lunch with a summer research student who was working with me. In the course of our conversation, we started chatting about physician-assisted death. He was a future medical student and would soon be deciding his own view on the matter, and I was curious to understand what he thought about it.

It wasn’t difficult for him to decide the question.

‘Why not?’ he said. ‘If that’s what they want, why not?’

I was a bit taken aback, that it should seem so easy to answer, so obvious that it would be OK for doctors to end a patient’s life. But the way in which the matter was decided for him spoke volumes about the way our society decides what is right or wrong. So long as something feels right to us, so long as it is desirable to us, then there is no reason to think it is wrong, even when it comes to ending a life.”

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